Bread Cutter Choke with and without Gi…with a few twists and variations

Bread Cutter Choke, with and without Gi…
And with a slight twist.

You may have seen this variation with the Gi where you get a deep grip on the collar, or even a “no-gi” version where you secure the top of the shoulder.

Here’s an interesting twist where you just drive the elbow straight into the carotid or between the artery and trachea.

In NHB, you can envision striking with the elbow here or driving the elbow into the jaw or temple…

Then you can work with using the knee or shin with same effectiveness.

In my first volume, NECK MANIPULATION V. 1 (Neck Cranks, Spine Locks & Naked Chokes) released in 1996, I did what no instructor has done to date… Catalog a series of neck cranks, spine locks & naked chokes while also adding strikes and trachea attacks. It quickly became one of the most comprehensive “self-defense” instructionals. Most of this info is still banned in competition and many dojos.

I’ve tried to make my striking more superior knowing that if circumstances required, I could end the fight from any position, at any time. Most martial artists have no idea how vulnerable their neck is to strikes and strangles during a free for all!

There is nothing like backing up your striking with black belts in Judo and BJJ! I did it… & you can learn why when downloading this video.

More info or Order the full video download- now only $6.99:

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