Gianni Grippo RIPS a heel hook at Emerald City 😳

Gianni Grippo finishes a quick heel hook in the opening round of the Emerald City Invitational 145-lb bracket.

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  • Definitely going to be controversial but im ok with it. Its competition, sometimes you have to rip things fast. In a boxing competition people get koed. Part of the game. Id rather get koed than have my knee ripped apart. If you dont like it dont compete

  • Dude seemed to have been giving him adequate time to tap before ripping it but he kept hesitating to do so. Even after you can see the guy who had it done to him nod to his opponent like it was fine.

  • Gianni has no entanglement/control of the guys hips/kneeline. This is as oldschool as heelhooks get, its there – rip it. Much like getting a wrist lock at the highest level, its a savage tap or its bust. The point should be that it was ripped because it would not be finished any other way and not that he ripped it on purpose. 10k baby!!!

    • Not entirely true. You don’t always need the cross ashi to finish slowly. I don’t think a rip is ever appropriate.

    • Yeah that’s true, but for me there’s just something about the fact that it lacks the meticulous technique and control that a methodical entry into a leg lock has, that makes it less impressive.

    • that’s really fucked up. 10k isn’t worth that. fuck bjj competitions I guess. it’s just ripping someone’s foot off doing a move that doesn’t even work outside of the ruleset since you can just hit anyone fucking with your legs

    • @Ross Trent that doesn’t make any sense, he won. Dude shouldn’t have let him bully his free leg like that. Stomp his armpit before he ever grabs it or invert and kick out afterwards , lock your ashi, do something 🤷‍♂️ he just froze and stayed squared up.

    • @BluntCruiseChronicles like I said. I’m sure you would have shown him how it’s done. Go teach a seminar on how it SHOULD be done. I’m sure you’ll do well.

    • @Cyrus right, keyboard jiujitsu guy didn’t think about that. I would say the guy on bottom outside ashi was not laced which may have prevented the heel hook.

  • JJ guys will try to escape from any position. I say rip it cause you don’t wanna lose your position and get your ankle locked in

  • yeah, i dont care it’s a competition and there’s a 10k prize. that move was desperate and performed with zero care for the opponent. you can get close to zero, but should never be it. unless it’s a life or death situation. i think this is unacceptable.

    • They are pros,its the risk you accept,there is no requirement to apply subs slowly.

    • @Billy Cost just a dude in a pro competition with legit black belts knowing heel hooks are game. He was going for his own. So someone can try and rip my leg apart but I can’t to his sitting right in my lap?

  • Ooof. That knee is messed up for sure. Buddy wasn’t limping bad right then and there, but I’m sure the next day was rough.

    That’s competitions for you.
    You Can’t lie there and chill either. Always assume your opponent has something up their sleeve

  • And this is why my kids compete in basketball and not boxing or grappling. You can’t “play” grappling in competition.

  • I’m with everyone else where I just hate people who have to rip subs to get a win, but to be fair… he gave him the eyes 👀 for a longgg ass time

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