• Probably the smallest factor of all the head and arm chokes since you can pin them in place, and really use your legs to trap their arm and deepen the grip. Once you get good at trapping their arm with your legs, even if your arms are super short you can still get the grip plenty deep. Check out Lachlan Giles and Nicky Ryan anaconda stuff. They have shorter arms for their weight classes and have killer anaconda games. 🙂

    • @@DrewDarce Thanks, Its funny, Ive always liked the darce and barely used the anaconda.Ill do the rafa mendes roll and come up with the darce, but ive been forcing myself to try to anaconda and I realise you can really shove his elbow down, and it like you said, arm length becomes less a factor.

    • @@channel19549 I was 100% same as you until just a couple years ago. I used to always use the Rafa Mendes style anaconda entry just to switch darce because I couldn’t get the finish to work for me. But my homie Matt Skaff at 10p Decatur showed me a lot of anaconda gems and I was able to start finishing it way more. I used to get super frustrated by anacondas and now I like them a lot.

    • @@DrewDarce Thanks, im gonna work on it.Sometimes tho I feel like my arms arent long enough.I have a 72.5-73ish inch reach, but i have big shoulders/back so i wonder if that’s making up most of my reach.Any thoughts?

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