Takedown Request

If you’d like to have any content that you have created removed from our app, please submit a Takedown Request via the form below. To review our Takedown Policy, please visit this link.

Takedown Request

  • This form is to be used by content authors who have seen any of their content (including but not limited to articles, social media posts, video posts, products) within The BJJ App that they do not wish to have published within the app. Please note all content that is aggregated via The BJJ App is pulled via algorithms based on keyword searches automatically and is pulled only from the public domain (eg publicly visible social media posts, Youtube videos, etc). If you do wish to have your post(s) removed, please fill the form below and per our Takedown Policy we will endeavour to have your post removed as soon as is reasonably practicable.
  • Each post within The BJJ App will have it's own unique address / URL. Please copy and paste the address of your post within this field
  • Max. file size: 850 MB.
    If you have any images or documents that can corroborate your ownership of the content, or any copyright / IP therein, please attach it here as this may help expedite your request
  • eg if you'd like us to block all of your content from a particular source (eg your Youtube channel or social media page) please provide details here
  • Please note that although we endeavour to be as quick as possible to honour and or respond to any takedown request, it may take us several business days to get to your request. Once your takedown request has been processed we will EMAIL you via the above provided email address with an update / confirmation message