Podcast – Black Belt or Bust


Shifting into Competition Season

Everyone gets ready for competition in their own ways and even we have changed our training throughout the years based on what we feel we need at the time. In today's episode we talk about how we currently prepare for bigger tournaments compared to how we prepared as blue belts. Additionally, we talk about the benefits of jiu jitsu camps serving to reset ourselves mentally and spiritually and how that can play a role in our goals for the year. Ultimately, while we want win gold and to be world champions, some things are more important to us and that…

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Finding Balance

Join us as we recap our past year on hiatus from the podcast and how we are feeling now that we are back! This episode reflects how we prioritized ourselves and sought out balance in our hectic lives. From changing jobs, new training schedules, habits, and holistic approaches to our day-to-day thanks to Natalie Boss and the Body By Boss Performance Blueprint. We have truly grown as individuals and jiujiieiras and cannot wait to share our experiences with all of you.

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Behaviors of Competitors

Our discussion today revolves around some behaviors we have observed in competitors as well as ourselves. This is not the same as a competitive behavior so much as behaviors like selfishness, sportsmanship, portrayal on social media, and gameness. We also reflect on having realizations on where you are at with your jiu jitsu and how that impacts your preparation for competitions. Then we wrap things up by going over why some people even compete and understanding that all of your time and energy used to prepare for competitions have to come somewhere. Which ultimately means that if you want a…

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Why Some People Quit

In this episode, your co-hosts discuss some of the reasons some people decide to quit jiu jitsu which can maiinly be broken down into  internal and external factors. From the things you can control, like your own emotions, reasons for training, and self confidence, to things you may not have as much control over like work, financial status, and other responsibilities. However, choosing to leave jiu jitsu isn't necessarily black and white as some things are connected like family and personal obligations. In no way are we shaming anyone who chooses to leave jiu jitsu, but we want everyone to…

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Tips and Tricks for Beginners in Jits

Today's episode focuses on the new practitioner and different learning styles. Once you have been training for a few months, you should generally have an idea of what works best for you, but what about in the very beginning? What learning styles are there for you to choose from? We go over flow charts, note taking, videos, audio, textile learning, and more! Hopefully this episode gives you an idea of how to start learning more information or maybe even convince you to change up your study habits! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make…

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Catching Up

In today's episode we catch up on everything we have been up to over the haitus. Misty was officially hired at UFC Gym as as assistant kids coach and we discuss some of her ideas to develop and grow the kids program. Meanwhile, Keelee has settled into Denver, CO at a new job and new gym ans we talk about some of the green and red flags to look for.  Finally we wrap things up by talking about women's classes and their role in jiu jistu gyms. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make…

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Festivus for the Rest of Us! Round 2

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you wonderful listeners! It is that magical time of year again, so here is round two of FESTIVUS. The time air grievances and woes with the wonderful David Close!  So get ready to ditch some of those new years resolutions  as we discuss this years BJJ inspired tangents. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

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Paying for it All

It seems as though your co-hosts are all over the place lately, but how? With both of us working and sometimes living paycheck to paycheck, how are we able to travel and compete the way that we have been lately? In this episode we give you some tips and tricks we have implemented (that have worked for us) in order to be able to compete this year. Reminder that we are in different circumstances compared to some of our listeners, so what works for us may not work for you and vice versa. However,  these are some things you can…

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Communication and Open Mats

This episode is an oldie, but goody found in our episode vault from our Florida road trip a few months ago. We discuss the importance of communication with your training partners at open mats or when cross training. Sometimes, especially females, we need to speak up in order to ensure we are getting not only the training we want, but the mat time we need. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

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Putting Yourself First

Lately with the Olympics and other large scale competitions going on, there has been a lot of discussion regarding athletes mental health and their justification for taking time off or stepping back from competition. In this episode we aknowledge that athletes have to focus on both their physical and mental game in order to be successful. While injuries and medical drops are commonly accepted and  sometimes ignored in athletics, impaired mental health has not been as widely accepted. At the end of the day, athletes are still human, and both their physical and mental wellbeing play a role in their…

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