Podcast – Ask a Black Belt


131. Jiu-Jitsu's Dance: Dominance vs. Friendliness

Ever found yourself wrestling with the Jiu-jitsu conundrum – to be a nice guy or to go full throttle on your training partner? As a seasoned practitioner myself, I've seen that delicate balance teeter many times. In our enlightening chat, we explore the highs and lows of this intricate dance, where the push to dominate often rumbles with our inherent desire to be friendly. Join us as we journey through my early Jiu Jitsu days when, admittedly, I was more of a bully than a partner. Fast-forward to now, and you'll discover a transformed individual who understands the importance of a…

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130. Why can't I go 100%?

Are you giving it your all during your jiu-jitsu sparring sessions, but not sure why you're not noticing any improvements? This episode of our podcast might be a game-changer for you. We dive into the question that's been bugging many martial arts enthusiasts - can you really go 100% during training and still learn effectively? We take you through our theory that jiu-jitsu training, much like any form of learning, involves various pillars and categories that require a balance rather than a full-throttle approach. You'll learn about the risks of focusing solely on winning rather than pushing yourself to be…

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129. Stinky student got kicked out

Picture this: You're training at your favorite Jiu-Jitsu academy, and the student next to you reeks from his unwashed gear. You're disgusted and distracted, struggling to concentrate on the techniques you're supposed to be mastering. This is the unpleasant, but very real scenario we're dissecting in today's episode. We're exposing the ugly truth about hygiene in Jiu-Jitsu, sharing personal experiences and confronting the importance of cleanliness in this high-contact sport.From our personal experiences to a shocking true story about a student being asked to leave due to poor hygiene, we're pulling no punches when it comes to this under-discussed topic.…

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128. Navigating the Maze of Jiu-Jitsu Class Schedules

Ever feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right Jiu-Jitsu classes that fit your hectic lifestyle? We've all been there, which is why we're tackling this head-on in our latest podcast episode. Navigating through class schedules, juggling personal commitments, and maintaining an open-minded approach is a skill in itself, and we're here to guide you on that journey. Be it aligning academy schedules with your personal life or understanding the importance of negotiation, we explore the nitty-gritty of class selection, and how our habits influence our decision-making process.Discover how to maximize your time on the mats and find the…

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