Club – Prana Jiu Jitsu – Instagram

We are steadily progressing in the right direction, and our classes have never been more crowded. There are only a few s…

We are steadily progressing in the right direction, and our classes have never been more crowded. There are only a few spots left for the beginner class at 19:30, and we’re actively exploring solutions to accommodate even more students in 2024, which seems promising.

Our lunchtime classes have been a fantastic addition, with up to 20 students in each session. There’s still room for more students during lunchtime, as well as in the early morning classes. These morning sessions are led by the Svensson brothers, who were among the trailblazers in Sweden’s Jiu Jitsu community and have made their mark on the world stage by achieving notable placements in events like the Europeans, Abu Dhabi Pro, and Worlds. Hope you all have a great weekend and see you all Sunday at 13:00! #bjj #bnw #apjj #pranajj #jiujitsu #weekend

When one of us emerges victorious, it symbolizes the culmination of efforts spanning generations, a testament to the cou…

When one of us emerges victorious, it symbolizes the culmination of efforts spanning generations, a testament to the countless hours invested by diligent sparring partners, devoted family members, supportive friends, and everyone who lends a helping hand. The true beauty lies in the collective endeavor. While Jiu Jitsu may be considered an individual sport, where you stand alone in the end, we must never overlook the support that got us there. When we face defeat, it carries the same significance; it’s an opportunity to dissect, adapt, and persevere. The forthcoming generation will inherit not only the skills but also the resilience to become even stronger than their predecessors. Congratulations @marlontajik for the double gold, congratulations Junior team for the best team award. Wait and see good people. #pranajj #apjj #bjj #nextlevel

Typically, time has never presented itself as an issue; rather, it's a resource that necessitates careful management to …

Typically, time has never presented itself as an issue; rather, it’s a resource that necessitates careful management to align with the life you aspire to lead. This is a collective responsibility we all bear: allocating time for work, education, and still preserving ample room for dedicated practice. Yet, to achieve this equilibrium, one must diligently address factors like screen time and socializing, among other seemingly ordinary pursuits. It’s the price you must pay if mastery in a particular field is your goal, and this necessitates making certain sacrifices. Such sacrifices are what elevate athletes to the status of role models in our society. As Usain Bolt once remarked, “I dedicated four years of my life to run for just 9 seconds.” Structuring your life to safeguard your practice from suffering is a substantial stride toward achieving progress. #bjj #bnw #pranajj #apjj #timemanagement

Many individuals often suggest that I should emulate others, but what does that truly result in? Merely becoming replica…

Many individuals often suggest that I should emulate others, but what does that truly result in? Merely becoming replicas of someone else. When you choose to follow your own path, you will consistently find yourself in a position of leadership, regardless of whether the outcomes are positive or negative. This is because you remain true to yourself, and that authenticity is invaluable. You have the power to inspire people to become either followers or leaders, and my preference is to nurture leaders. To achieve this, I must lead by example. #jiujitsu #bjj

The essence of Jiu Jitsu lies in its ability to create connections among individuals. It's a journey where knowledge is …

The essence of Jiu Jitsu lies in its ability to create connections among individuals. It’s a journey where knowledge is shared, and each person contributes to the collective improvement of the game. There are no quick fixes for progress, despite the many tempting shortcuts advertised. The reality is that such shortcuts simply don’t exist. Instead, the key is to savor the journey itself and appreciate every aspect that comes with it.

One vital aspect of this journey is spending quality time with like-minded individuals who uplift your spirits. This connection is a major catalyst in making the entire journey more fulfilling. At Prana Jiu Jitsu, we are committed to cultivating a supportive environment that promotes both mental and physical well-being.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead. #bjj #traning #legday #apjj #pranajj

Hej till alla fantastiska föräldrar som kämpar för att ge era barn möjligheten att träna med oss! Vi är glada över att m…

Hej till alla fantastiska föräldrar som kämpar för att ge era barn möjligheten att träna med oss! Vi är glada över att meddela att intresset för barn och ungdomsträning är större än någonsin. Som vi tidigare har lovat, kommer vi att göra vårt bästa för att ge så många som möjligt chansen att vara med.

Den 11-12 september kommer vi att utvidga våra träningsmattor med ca 30% för att kunna inkludera fler från vår väntelista. Vi förstår hur viktigt det är för er och era barn att delta i våra träningar och vi är dedikerade till att göra det möjligt.

I skrivande stund planerar vi även att introducera en helt ny introgrupp som sträcker sig över 10 tillfällen, speciellt anpassad för barn i åldern 7-10 år. Denna grupp kommer att fungera som en utmärkt förberedelse inför våren 2024, och vi ser fram emot att hjälpa era barn att utvecklas och växa inom sin träning.

Vi öppnar redan nu upp möjligheten att ansöka om platser i den nya introgruppen. Så om du vill att ditt barn ska vara en del av denna fantastiska träningsupplevelse, tveka inte att höra av dig och ansöka.

Tack för ert engagemang och ert stöd. Tillsammans kommer vi att fortsätta erbjuda en träningsmiljö som är både positiv och utvecklande för era barn. Vi ser fram emot att välkomna nya och gamla ansikten till vårt träningsprogram och tillsammans skapa minnen och framgångar på mattan!

Tillsammans är vi starka, och vi ser med spänning fram emot en fantastisk tid framöver. #pranajj #apjj #bjj #barnaktivitet

Our next project on the docket involves expanding the female wing of our gym significantly. Currently, we already have a…

Our next project on the docket involves expanding the female wing of our gym significantly. Currently, we already have a substantial number of enthusiastic 12 to 13-year-olds who will play a pivotal role in the academy’s future. However, our focus is now on reaching out to the age group of 16 to 20-year-olds who may not have been introduced to this sport before. We’re excited to announce an exciting opportunity for all of you within this age bracket very soon.

Starting on September 9th, we will be launching a dedicated all-female class for this age group. Stay tuned for more details! We are always offering free trail! #femalesport #tjejbjj #tjejkampsport #vasastan #pranajj #apjj

Join the rapidly growing junior Jiu-Jitsu team! It's incredible to witness this dynamic group of 14-17 year-olds coming …

Join the rapidly growing junior Jiu-Jitsu team! It’s incredible to witness this dynamic group of 14-17 year-olds coming together so swiftly. We want you to be part of this exciting journey! The enthusiasm and progress of this team are simply remarkable, and we believe you can achieve great things too. Get ready to be inspired, learn, and grow as you embark on your Jiu-Jitsu adventure with us! @jacobmissailidis #apjj #pranajj #bjj #vasastan #idrott #aktivitet #ungdomsidrott

The utmost priority lies in focusing on your own actions, while the actions of others hold relatively less significance….

The utmost priority lies in focusing on your own actions, while the actions of others hold relatively less significance. Instead of seeking shortcuts, the true essence lies in discovering the delight within your personal journey, alongside the companions you have. Together, you can achieve as much as anyone ever has, provided your full attention is dedicated to the present moment. What do all champions I’ve come across share? They possess a distinctive style tailored to their individual personalities and physical attributes. This is what the journey is about. Hope you all having a great day! #pranajj #bjj #apjj #lessons