Club – Prana Jiu Jitsu – Instagram

In various parts of the world, while some prepare for holidays, others grapple with sheer chaos. Amidst these times and …

In various parts of the world, while some prepare for holidays, others grapple with sheer chaos. Amidst these times and always, considering the plight of the poor and needy remains crucial. Together, how can we instigate change, tackling the unfairness that pervades most aspects of life? The enormity of the task might suggest an end to the mess is improbable within our society, yet I firmly believe significant change is within our grasp. How can we achieve it?

The crux lies in reconstructing our foundational principles. Nurturing the younger generation to embrace compassion over egotism is paramount. We must impart the wisdom that true happiness doesn’t lurk around the next corner. Understanding the value of contributing to something positive fosters a contentment far surpassing any quick-fix solution. Empowering individuals to recognize their boundless potential is vital. Encouraging them to diminish the fear of failure opens the door to bolder choices. Society has conditioned us to bear the weight of fear, hindering our growth. Overcoming this fear-driven mindset is pivotal to human advancement.

Sports, notably, possess the capacity to instill courage and embolden individuals to pursue loftier aspirations. They teach that fear doesn’t merely deter defeat; it obstructs the path to victory. As we cultivate a generation less shackled by fear, they’ll stride toward greater dreams, fostering human development

At Prana Jiu-Jitsu, our commitment is to consistently set a positive example. Jiu-Jitsu, to us, extends far beyond mere points earned on the mat.

As the holidays approach, I wish everyone joy and warmth, anticipating a swift return to our collective journey of doing good and being our best selves. And of course practice a lot more than 2023!

#pranajj #apjj #nextlevel #bnw

Reflecting on the past year and beyond isn’t about dwelling in the past but rather contemplating what could have been do…

Reflecting on the past year and beyond isn’t about dwelling in the past but rather contemplating what could have been done differently for better outcomes. Creating a nurturing environment for personal growth is the ultimate achievement. However, in Jiu Jitsu, the game is about winning. Participating in a football game where one team merely participates doesn’t honor the opponents. Our aim is to diligently prepare, giving our all at every event.

Looking ahead to 2024, our goals are clear: we’ll create distinct groups for kids. Some will focus on the joy and movement within Jiu Jitsu, while others will emphasize winning, catering to those with a competitive drive. This way, children can thrive in an environment that suits their aspirations – relaxed enjoyment or focused competition. Additionally, we aspire to financially support dedicated kids, enabling their participation in larger events. Prana Jiu Jitsu has a history of backing athletes worldwide, and this support will continue.

In our commitment to enhancement, we’ll further tailor our facility to better accommodate requirements. Separating parents from the training area will significantly enhance the learning atmosphere for our young practitioners. Our focus for 2024 includes a 15% expansion in both the adult and kids’ sections.

Classes held in the morning and during lunch have seen good attendance but have the potential for further growth. These sessions have room for more participants, offering ample opportunity for individuals to engage and benefit from the training.

The week before Christmas is a wonderful time, isn’t it? Instead of splurging your hard-earned cash on unnecessary things, why not reach out to a friend and let them know how awesome they are? A heartfelt call can mean the world to someone and do far more than any material gift ever could! #pranajj #apjj #bjj #bnw #vasastan #julhandel

As the year comes to a close, it’s been an incredibly eventful time with plenty unfolding. The gym’s atmosphere has reac…

As the year comes to a close, it’s been an incredibly eventful time with plenty unfolding. The gym’s atmosphere has reached new heights, marking a significant highlight. The outcomes have been fantastic. Yet, reflecting on the past, there’s ample space for enhancement. Throughout 2024, we’ll fine-tune various aspects to fortify our foundation further.

In the upcoming year, we’re gearing up for a strictly competitive group tailored for kids and juveniles, brimming with lofty aspirations and rigorous standards. Adult tryout sessions will exclusively take place on Mondays at 19:30, focusing on gi training. Ensure you join the group that aligns with your preferences: recreational training at 19:30 and competitive training at 18:00. Expect significantly higher expectations and pace in the competitive class; the 19:30 session is more relaxed and less technically demanding. The 18:00 class assumes familiarity, less discussion, and more action. For kids, the competitive class emphasizes competition victories, while the other sessions cater to those seeking a more leisurely pace and lower demands in their Jiu Jitsu journey.

The ambition class aims to guide young students aspiring to make strides in this sport. Wishing you all a fantastic start to the week and looking forward to our upcoming gatherings! #apjj #pranajj #bjj #barnaktivitet #vasastan #nextlevel

Till er alla Jiu Jitsu-entusiaster, Med höstterminen 2023 som närmar sig sitt slut, öppnar Prana Jiu Jitsu stolta upp f…

Till er alla Jiu Jitsu-entusiaster,

Med höstterminen 2023 som närmar sig sitt slut, öppnar Prana Jiu Jitsu stolta upp för nya medlemsansökningar inför vårterminen 2024. Vi är glada att kunna erbjuda denna möjlighet och informerar samtidigt om att endast ett begränsat antal nya medlemmar kommer att tas in i varje grupp.

För att ansöka om medlemskap, vänligen kontakta oss via vår styrelse på Prana Jiu Jitsu strävar efter att främja en förening präglad av god kamratskap och en äkta känsla av teamwork. Våra grupper välkomnar och anpassar sig till alla nivåer av intresse för Jiu Jitsu – från de unga entusiasterna som lever för träningen till de som ser det som en avslappnad hobby.

Som medlem i vår förening kommer du att ges möjlighet att delta i spännande evenemang, utbyta tankar och idéer med likasinnade, samt bli en del av en växande gemenskap av framstående individer.

Ansökningar för medlemskap i Prana Jiu Jitsu kommer att tas i mot löpande under hela terminen, och behandlas i ordningen dom kommer in. Vi ser fram emot att välkomna och lära känna nya medlemmar som delar vår passion för Jiu Jitsu och som är redo att bidra till vår gemenskap.

Med vänliga hälsningar, Prana Jiu Jitsu team

As we culminate this year with the autumn graduation of 2024, it’s been an incredible journey marked by numerous positiv…

As we culminate this year with the autumn graduation of 2024, it’s been an incredible journey marked by numerous positive occurrences. We’ll take a moment to reflect on the year’s outcomes and identify areas for improvement. Witnessing the overwhelming support of parents for the academy, contributing to its continual expansion, has been truly heartening.

Despite encountering a significant ventilation issue mere days before the graduation, we managed to navigate through it with grace, ensuring a seamless ceremony. The kids’ training will persist in the upcoming week, and undoubtedly, we have some delightful surprises in store for the holiday season.

Once again, a massive thank you to everyone! Let’s make the most of this fantastic Sunday and strive to end the year on a high note. Sending big hugs to all!

We each have our unique aspirations. My vision revolves around fostering a team that feels like a second family, a place…

We each have our unique aspirations. My vision revolves around fostering a team that feels like a second family, a place where connections flourish and solid friendships are forged. It’s about recognizing the power of collective effort, where every individual contributes to something greater than themselves. Achieving greatness in sports isn’t a solo journey; it’s about the support network surrounding you. It’s realizing that solitary success is an illusion—we all rely on the support of those around us. From the individuals clearing snow off the roads to those cleaning the mats, every link in the chain is vital for everyone’s success. Understanding this interconnectedness is crucial; without it, one is adrift. I hope you all can enjoy the hot chocolate this weekend. #pranajj #lifelessons #bjj #apjj #family

When you find your progress stalling and motivation eluding you, there are numerous ways to enhance your performance. Ta…

When you find your progress stalling and motivation eluding you, there are numerous ways to enhance your performance. Take a moment to clear your mind and be truly honest with yourself. Is it strength, flexibility, or technique that needs improvement? These are some evident areas that can be rectified with effort. Yet, there might be less apparent factors at play—strategy in your approach, grip strength, excessive ego, or a tendency to give up too easily. Perhaps you only engage when the odds are in your favor? These are tougher realities to acknowledge. However, every aspect can be refined through gradual steps. By addressing them one by one, day by day, through self-honesty, you can steadily overcome these small flaws and steadily progress. @leohoch_bjj is a instagram role model, simply because he’s not using the poison. I hope you all will enjoy the lovely weekend ahead. #pranajj #bnw #apjj #bjj

I firmly believe that when you conclude your day's work with anticipation for the next, you're on the right path. Though…

I firmly believe that when you conclude your day’s work with anticipation for the next, you’re on the right path. Though it hasn’t always been so; at times, decisions haven’t yielded the expected results. But, are they truly regrettable, or are they opportunities to grow? Ultimately, it’s about learning. The takeaway: surrounding yourself with those who uplift and energize you is invaluable. Hope you will have a great nights sleep, and see you soon good people. #pranajj #bjj #bnw #doctors