Competitor – Gordon Ryan – Instagram

If you're in long Island.. or you're not, you should go to this. @kycerm was one of main training partners from 2017 unt…

If you’re in long Island.. or you’re not, you should go to this. @kycerm was one of main training partners from 2017 until we moved in late 2020. He was huge and helpful part of my adcc camp 2017, no gi pans camp 2018, no gi world’s camp 2018, and adcc camp 2019. So much you learn from him. @li_mma

1 minute body lock tip- there is a common misconception about body locking where some people think that you either use l…

1 minute body lock tip- there is a common misconception about body locking where some people think that you either use locked hands (standard body locks) or unlocked hands (tight waists) to pass. If you’re a body lock passer you lock your hands and don’t unlock until you pass or you’re a tight waist passer and don’t lock your hands until you pass. We must learn to erase the arbitrary line between locked and unlocked hands. We must be able to move freely back and forth between the two. Here, I slow a standard body lock, to an open tight waist, to a locked long arm short arm with an inside elbow. When talking about general directions with body lock passing, you work around shelving, stuffing, and splitting. You either shelf the leg across your hips and pass, you stuff the leg into half guard chest to chest, or you split the legs. A double split (seen here) is the ultimate front body lock passing position. You dominate the inside of the hip with your elbow AND you dominate the lower body inside real estate with BOTH of your legs, preventing any meaningful connection of your opponents legs to you. Whenever we can force a double split, easy passes will follow. Hope this helps 😀

I need everyone's help. @heysonnyy2 ordered me this art work of big gord. It's made with rolling dice. It was supposed t…

I need everyone’s help. @heysonnyy2 ordered me this art work of big gord. It’s made with rolling dice. It was supposed to be here in September. The morons at @fedex are useless and shipped it back to the UK after I paid like 2k to ship it here. We tried having it delivered to us in austin (it was in austin) but no one at any fed ex location would release it to us and told us we had to call customer service. After calling customer service (like 7 times) they ended up telling us we needed to go to a store again, so we did and the told us to call customer service. The piece ended up being shipped back to the UK because it was here too long without being delivered. We Re shipped it here and @fedex STILL cannot get me this art work of my dead dad. Can you all go to their ig and tell them to get their fucking shit together? Thanks 😀 @fedex @fedex @fedex