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Ego checked in my first JJ class

What’s up people yesterday I had my first Jiu Jitsu class, I’ve always been interested since I’ve always been a big UFC and mma guy. Funny enough me and my buddys always speak about how these low weight mma guys can’t mess with people a lot heavier/stronger then them. I stand at about 220 6’1 and lift pretty heavy at the gym so I always thought my strength could win me a fight against these skilled guys? We’ll I guess not. My first roll was with a purple belt who was about 150 pounds, I figured let me use my…

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So I've been following the entire saga, Craig Jones vs Mo Jassim the Adcc director? CEO? He basically runs the entire event of ADCC.. anyways I gotta say, I love it. We all know that Craig Jones is a freaking troll. And of course he is doing this thing for his own personal benefit. But the idea of getting famous and influential athletes come together for better pay and giving the athletes power is remarkable. I do believe this event will change jiu jitsu pay forever. And it will impact jiu jitsu carrers in a very beneficial way for the…

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Looking to get back into Jiu Jitsu

I’m in my mid 30’s looking to get back into a gym after over 10 years out of practice. I never advanced far with it before because I’ve always traveled for work but that’s finally coming to an end with a new job. What would be an average monthly cost for gyms these days? I’d really love to get back on the path and start fresh. I’ve been a fan of the sport for a long time and know it’s changed a lot. submitted by /u/TheGloriousTrickster [link] [comments]

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Weight class

I'm been thinking about competition again. I'm torn between what weight would be best for me to compete at. I'm 5'8 big boned walk around at 185 but I here those weight classes have giants and wonder if someone of my sature would be able to keep up with the giants. My question is at what point do you consider dropping weight for competitions? At what point will it make a difference submitted by /u/tolucarayo [link] [comments]

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Is stacking someone to defend a triangle mean?

I switched gyms recently and the other day I was rolling with this blue belt (I'm a white belt). He kept attempting triangles and every time I'd just stack him. I wasn't doing it quickly, I'm sort of big so I always try to be cautious with my size. Each time he got the triangle I'd stand up and gradually put more and more weight onto him until he let go. I'm 200lbs and he's around 210lbs for context. After the fourth time I stack him and get him to let go of it he mutters, "You better not do…

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