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Who should Tainan face next in No Gi?

Looks like they’re moving Tainan up slowly in opponent difficulty. Taza, and then Jay Rod. As much as everyone wants, I don’t think Mica or the Ruotuolos are in the cards yet. The idea is someone roughly the same weight class, but slightly more challenging than Jay Rod. Hopefully someone that can be more of a submission threat than those two were. Some ideas: Langaker Dante Leon B team: Chen, Kenta, or Nicky Ryan Tackett brother could be interesting but maybe too hard of a challenge right now. What do you guys think? submitted by /u/IcyScratch171 [link] …

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What to look for in a gi

Hello everyone. I read all about how inverted gear has really high quality gis and thought I would buy one. I went on their website and there is 30 different kinds. I bought the 2024 starter gi but is that the one everyone says is good and raves about? Or did I just buy the same material and feeling gi as say a 60 sanabul from Amazon? I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for when buying a a solid gi? I wanted to get something relatively affordable but high quality, but the specifications on that don’t seem…

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Post-surgery blue belt blues

I’m 29m. Just had surgery to repair my torn hip labrum last week (happened during a roll). I got my Blue belt back in January and trained roughly 4-5times per week. Now that I’m side lined with this recovery process I’m rethinking all of my BJJ training and asking myself if any of it was worth it. I love doing BJJ but i don’t want to be 40 years old barely able to walk or get out of bed because my body is beat up from BJJ. I def want to get back on the mats at some point once…

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What to do next

we have a coach at our gym who has become very good at jiujitsu since taking a full time position coaching. Had me in a dead to rights arm bar, and cranked my elbow hard and fast. I scream tapped. I tried to ask him to take it easy on us normal people and he started spouting some shit about how we don’t have to roll and he doesn’t get anything out of it. Confused, I walked away. Head coach seemed concerned, told him about it, said he would talk to the other coach. I haven’t been in the gym…

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Physical labour + BJJ

Anyone else here that does hard physical labour for a living and trains BJJ? I just started training BJJ twice a week and boxing 1-2 times a week and I'm wondering if it's viable in the long run I wake up at 7am, come home exhausted and have no time to sit down before I have to get ready for my classes, just to come back at 9pm, shower and unwind to go to sleep I'm deathly afraid of quitting because training in martial arts has been my dream for a majority of my life and I've been too much…

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Name this guard

So about 2 months after I (gray) started, I was put in this position by a purple belt (green) and I found this picture and I’m genuinely curious as to the name of this guard and any sort of practicality it may have. submitted by /u/DippingDots81 [link] [comments]

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Different kipping escapes – differences and best time to use each?

I've seen two form of "side to side" kipping escapes which both start from getting your opponent rocking from one knee to another - Nick Ortiz does this by using a pendulum motion of outstretched legs. In Danaher's instructional he does the same thing but by bridging strongly to one side to rock them to one knee, then when they aim to recenter you go with the momentum to rock them to their other knee, which he calls a misdirectional kipping escape. What are the major differences between the traditional overhead, misdirectional, and pendulum kipping escapes, and when should you…

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