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How do I not "rush" my passing?

I've been doing BJJ about three years now, and I've consistently been told that I have a tendency to rush or move too fast. Specifically tonight, my instructor said I have a tendency to rush my passing (usually because I get excited). Many have told me that the pacing would come with time, but what are some tangible steps I can take to work on this? submitted by /u/EchoBites325 [link] [comments]

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How do you deal with injuries?

Long story short I have hypermobility which makes my tendons lax, Ive fucked my shoulder and I'm getting surgery next month. I'll be out for most likely a year. I feel terrible, I don't have a lot of purpose in my life outside a few other things. I've only had about a year on the matts over all, but it's been quite possible the best time in my life. How do you deal with bad injuries? I just feel so defeated, I'm torn between trying to keep my head in the game and trying to not think about it because…

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Still getting overwhelmed by strength, cardio, and spaz

I have 3 years experience. I'm a skinny/weak guy (135lb 5'9"). I still get beat and/or hurt by beginners often. Yes, I get the occasional ankle lock, but I still take a lot of damage, even if they don't submit me. When does the "small guy beats big/strong guy with technique" thing kick in? I'll admit, my learning pace is below average, but it's disheartening when someone with 1 week experience taps me over and over with the 1 submission that he learned. Has anyone else had this experience? How did you overcome it? I suck at this shit. I…

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