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Wrestling Instructional Recommendations

In a recent instructionals thread I gave some less common recommendations. A few people asked for transferrable wrestling instructionals as I have a much stronger wrestling background than BJJ (collegiate wrestler who actively coaches wrestling). Figured I'd make a thread for it for the greater visibility. Please post any recommendations you guys have as well. 1. Bread and Butter Sweep Single by Matt McDonough: I'm not the biggest advocate when it comes to shooting in BJJ. Between lacking shoes for both drive and grip, all the dynamic moving pieces required for a good shot and how much people practice basic…

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Got told I was strong twice this week

I’ve been beefing up my strength training the last couple of months and have seen some gains, visually and during training. This week I was rolling with a bigger blue belt who told me I was a strong fella after the roll. I also met up with this woman who I haven’t seen in a while, who I’ve had a bit of a crush on, that told me I was looking strong. Guess which one I came to the internet to brag about. submitted by /u/dj768083 [link] [comments]

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Dealing with tight inside frames from top mount?

John Danaher's 4x4 instructional features a variety of things you can do if they're flat on their back with hands clasped in prayer position rigid as a board. That's cool and all, but I don't know a single person who shells up in that particular way. What he does not seem to have is an response to someone who is defending intelligent, getting onto their side and maintaining a concave spine, with hands clasped and pushing on one of your hips, one of their arms acting like a bar across your hips and the other elbow attempting to get inside…

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IBJFF spring open 2025

Hey all, I'm looking at visiting NY again next year and would like it to coinside with this tournament. Is it always on the same/similar date in April? Any barriers for me to compete? I'm a masters blue belt from the UK and looking for some cool expereinces like competing abroad. submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Dealer7561 [link] [comments]

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