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Good gyms in Los Angeles (West Hollywood —> East)

Hey folks! I know there’s a ton of schools and previous posts, but I’m moving to LA and I’d love to know what schools y’all recommend. Open to schools as far west as West Hollywood. I’ve been to and really enjoyed the Renzo’s on Sunset. Like to train 4-5 days a week gi and no gi. Appreciate y’all very much! submitted by /u/Cantstopdeletingacct [link] [comments]

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Do you want to see a publication about how heelhook can broke your knee?

I'm about to graduate in physical therapy. I did a bunch of human body dissection classes, and I noticed a lack of bibliography about heelhook injuries. Was thinking about a really expensive way to make my thesis. "Rent" an MD (uni proff of anatomy) and make an arthroscopic investigation (a video) of what happens when the heelhook is done. Yes, I will be grabbing and doing a heelhook to a poor human body, a corpse, for the sake of science. My idea is to have a whole knee diagnosis from the proff and a live arthroscopic view, so see what…

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How do I not "rush" my passing?

I've been doing BJJ about three years now, and I've consistently been told that I have a tendency to rush or move too fast. Specifically tonight, my instructor said I have a tendency to rush my passing (usually because I get excited). Many have told me that the pacing would come with time, but what are some tangible steps I can take to work on this? submitted by /u/EchoBites325 [link] [comments]

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