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Some kind of strain on my sternum after getting mounted by a ~250 lb dude. Wondering if this is common and what to look out for

In a beginner class last wednesday with 4 students. I got the short straw and have to drill with this big guy; I'm about 170 lb with not much muscle. Drills didn't involve side control or mount so they went fine, but later we did situationals and he ended up in top mount, I tap after a few seconds of pressure. I didn't notice anything at the time besides the fact that I just gasped for air harder than I ever have in my life. I did two more classes after that since they were back to back. During the…

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Strength and Conditioning Megathread!

The Strength and Conditioning megathread is an open forum for anyone to ask any question, no matter how simple, about general strength and conditioning as it relates to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Use this thread to: - Ask questions about strength and conditioning - Get diet and nutrition advice - Request feedback on your workout routine - Brag about your gainz Get yoked and stay swole! Also, click here to see the previous Strength And Conditioning Mondays. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments]

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Training BJJ for mma??

Been training mma for a year, absolutely love it and looking to compete eventually. The only problem is that my mma gym is mostly a striking gym with very shitty grappling and almost no bjj. The grappling training consists of takedowns/defence/tumbling and more of an old early 2000s style basic grappling for mma. I live right beside a Gracie humilia gym (I think that’s the name) and I’m wondering if anyone who’s done mma or trains bjj think it would be wise of me for go do hard core bjj for 6 months or so to get some solid grappling…

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New and buying a gi

Hey so I have been practicing bjj for the past two weeks and I already have a basic white gi. My gf is insisting on buying me a new gi with no worries about the price tag. I have been looking at these ones with crazy and cool designs on the inside of them. I was wondering if I would get certain looks, be made fun of, or if there is a certain thing or taboo surrounding them because I haven’t seen anyone wear them. If so what would be a better alternative. submitted by /u/Clean-Alternative667 [link] …

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Need some advice- 2 stripe white belt.

I’ve been a 2 stripe white belt, training full time two classes a day for the the last 2 years. I regularly submit brown and black belts at my gym but my coach won’t promote me for some reason! I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I feel like I should be at least a purple belt 3 stripes. Anyone have advice?! submitted by /u/Far_Cap1261 [link] [comments]

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