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I have a jiu jitsu match with someone experienced coming up… I know nothing

I have no prior experience in this sport. I was talking all proud with this guy saying I could escape his grip and give him a hard time if he tried to take me down. He wanted me to prove it. I'm definitely gonna get whooped, not only does he have good technique, but he's almost double my weight. Any tips to give him a hard time while he does that? How can I fend him off? Don't let me die and help a girl out!! submitted by /u/altrea1 [link] [comments]

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Recommendation for School in Orange County, CA? Tired of my Gracie University CTC

Context: I've been training for a little over 1.5 years at a Gracie University CTC under a black belt instructor who is competent (he has fought MMA and competed BJJ). The beginner and advanced class are an hour long, and because it's a one man operation, classes are offered only once a night M-F starting between 6:30-8:30. Additionally, the instructor seems to allow himself to be too stuck in the Master Cycle curriculum to allow for much sparring or deviation from the curriculum. Beyond the CTC, I can't identify anymore with Gracie University given the salesman vibes I get from…

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